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映画「OVER DRIVE」試写会&舞台挨拶

6/1公開の映画「OVER DRIVE 」の試写会に行ってきました。せっかく撮影許可が出て撮ったのにボケボケとは…「海猿」を手がけた羽住監督と主演の東出くんと真剣佑くんです。LUCKが協力、弟の勝田範彦がスタントドライバーをしています。家族と、友達と、恋人と、ひとりでもそして何度見ても楽しめる迫力ある映画です。


There was a movie preview at Midland Square, Nagoya yesterday. The movie is called OVER DRIVE and will be released on June 1.

The picture I took is unfortunately out of focus though the photos were permitted. Mr. Hazumi, a movie director, Mr. Higashide and Mr. Arata, starring actors.

My younger brother, Norihiko was doing a stunt drive in this movie and Luck Co. also cooperated this filming. The movie is superb and I’m sure you can enjoy it



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